5720 SE Foster Road, Portland, OR 97206 * (503) 771-2212 * nappylamdds@yahoo.com

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New Patient Forms.pdfhttp://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.htmlNew_Patients_files/New%20Patient%20Forms.pdfNew_Patients_files/New%20Patient%20Forms_1.pdfshapeimage_2_link_0shapeimage_2_link_1

Welcome! We are excited that you have chosen our office to meet your dental needs.  Upon your first visit in our office, we will take a full series of x-rays as well as do a complete examination.  This is necessary in order for Dr. Lam to properly diagnose the health and condition of your teeth and gums.  Dr. Lam will then present a treatment plan that will best suit your dental needs. 

As a new patient, we ask that you arrive at least 15 to 20 minutes early to go over all the necessary documentation.  Additionally, we have included links to download our new patient forms for you to fill out prior to your visit in order to expedite your time.  Please fill out the forms completely, sign and date.  If you have dental insurance, please have your dental card available as well.

We look forward to meeting you.  Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions or concerns regarding your dental appointment.